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cathedral cave




Tony Backhouse and Anders Nyberg

13 - 20 October 2019

The Ephemeral Choir is a total immersion in singing and beauty. Add three great Choirmasters, a World Heritage National Park, the incomparable Carrington Hotel and a final concert in the wonderous Cathedral Cave and you have something truly special. 


The Ephemeral Choir SoundTracks Singing Event

The inaugural Ephemeral Choir, set in the magnificent Blue Mountains west of Sydney, seeks to capture the moment, wrap it in song and craft a perfect marriage of beauty and sound.  


Bruce Chatwin, the writer and traveller, said that the future of mankind lies in aesthetics. Let’s assume he’s right, and make that the mission of the Ephemeral Choir - to bathe in the beauty of the Blue Mountains; in its secret places and in classic spring gardens; to sing in an outback church in the magnificent Megalong Valley and conclude our week with a performance in the Cathedral Cave in the Jenolan, filmed and recorded as a memorial to this incredible experience. 


In the historic Carrington Hotel - a wonderful Art Deco hotel - we will rehearse in the stately Ballroom with two of the finest choir directors in the world: TONY BACKHOUSE - acclaimed gospel singer/arranger/choir director - and from Sweden

ANDERS NYBERG - internationally acclaimed composer/ choir director/writer and Oscar-nominated co-author of the classic Swedish movie: As It Is In Heaven. In support we have renowned  Melbourne choir director and composer
SUE JOHNSON as our Choir Manager. 


This inaugural Ephemeral Choir is set against the colour and grandeur of the World Heritage Blue Mountains. Singing to its beauty allows that landscape to be more fully experienced. 


When words sing praises too loudly they sound shrill.  So take a moment and reflect … imagine singing with these wonderful artists …  in some of most beautiful landscapes and gardens on earth …  in springtime … while spending a full week in one of Australia’s most famous heritage hotels … and all the while you’ll be...

Bathed in Blue

Only $3300 per person

Non refundable deposit of $1200
secures your position.

Single supplement $1400

Interview with Anders Nyberg
Sound Tracks Travel

Interview with Anders Nyberg

Blue Mtn Gallery
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